
Listening to soccer games live on the radio is still popular: why?

Listening to soccer games live on the radio is a tradition yet to be lost. Although the charm of the experience might have something to do with its perseverance, the answer to its longevity is more likely to stem from all its advantages compared to television broadcasting, a rare thing in an era where visuals are everything in entertainment.

The mind becomes the pitch

Listening to soccer on the radio triggers the imagination and creativity of the listeners. The broadcaster’s words replace the visual cues, turning every fan’s mind into a stage that the players and the referee progressively fill with the description of every tackle, pass, and goal. They become spectators within their own minds, watching the spectacle unfold as if they were seeing it with their own eyes.

In fact, listening to a soccer broadcast on the radio can even enhance the overall experience for those fortunate enough to attend live matches. The commentators provide valuable insights, analysis, and context that can help anyone appreciate and better understand the events and the strategies unfolding on the pitch without taking their eyes off the action. 

Access to all leagues, divisions, and cups

Another advantage of listening to soccer matches live on the radio is that you have unique access to matches from all over the world and from all leagues, including amateur ones. While many sports radio stations focus on the world's major leagues like La Liga, the Premier League, Bundesliga, Serie A, and Brasileirão, community or local stations broadcast amateur or lower leagues. Even if you are an expat football fan, you can rest assured never to miss one of your team’s matches, regardless of how big or international your team is.

International competitions such as the Champions League or Copa Libertadores are also broadcast live on several radio stations notwithstanding the country or city the matches take place in. The same is also true for the most important national team competitions like the FIFA World Cup, UEFA European Championship, or Copa América.

Live soccer anywhere and anytime

In today's fast-paced world, stopping what you are doing to watch a football or soccer match can be a privilege inaccessible to many. Radio, and especially online radio, can be the bridge that connects the fans to their favorite sport even when the world seems to conspire to keep them apart. Sports radio stations never let any fan miss a moment of the game, regardless of where they are and what they are doing. 

Moreover, radio is still a free means of communication that you can easily listen to anywhere and anytime through a conventional radio device or an online platform like myTuner. There is no need to take over the financial burden of subscribing to premium sports channels or streaming services. Plus, as mentioned above, radio brings fans matches from all leagues and divisions worldwide, while sports channels focus solely on the domestic leagues and major world competitions. In other words, you get more, for free.

Broadcasting expertise and passion

Sports radio commentators are more than just voices; they are storytellers, analysts, and passionate fans themselves. Many have dedicated their lives to soccer, be it as former players, coaches, or sports journalists, which grants them unparalleled knowledge about the subject they are commentating on. These experts guide their listeners through every twist and turn, providing context, historical perspectives, and a level of insightful descriptions that transcends the mere play-by-play commentary accompanying television broadcasts.

Through their words, they paint vivid pictures of the match, capturing the emotion, intensity, and drama that unfolds on the pitch, from the explosion of excitement from a goal to the anguish of a missed opportunity.


Although high-tech and high-definition visuals are undeniably attractive, listening to soccer games live on the radio offers a unique and captivating experience that transcends mere entertainment. It connects sports fans from all over the world, no matter where they are and what they are doing. When you are listening to live Champion League matches or your national team play in the World Cup, you are also connected with millions of other fans who, like you, are tuned in.

Join in on the passion of the beautiful sport and let yourself be guided by the voices of seasoned broadcasters who will make you feel like a player on the pitch.

Чер 03, 2016
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